In the case of a patient who presents himself in the hospital and who suffers from an unknown disease, the exchange of information with the police can be postponed or not take place at all, because the doctors perhaps do not think of terrorism when they focus on patient care. The laws on public health allow doctors to disclose the necessary information, but it is not an established process and this varies from one administration to another. These provide for a mechanism to guarantee the connection between the public health sector and the authorities responsible for security during a pangouvermental intervention in the event of a biological incident at the national level. In addition to these global strategies, Canada has set up a series of plans that deal with the intervention during possible biological events and other public health incidents possibly deliberate. The Center for Emergency Measures and Intervention of the Public Health Agency in Canada manages the Center for Operations of the Health Portfolio which maintains a state of preparation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and serves as "Single window" for the coordination of intervention activities for all dangers. There are also operational procedures and protocols in place which are subject to an annual examination.
- A 2008 trilateral understanding protocol between Health Canada, the ASPC and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency describes roles and responsibilities related to common issues that have an impact on human health.
- Federal, provincial and territorial governments share responsibility for food safety and intervention in the event of an epidemic outbreak.
- Going so far as to quadruple their video game rays before and for Christmas, the department stores reduced their cargoing skin as January in January.
- The provincial and territorial authorities of public health have jurisdiction to govern the food produced and sold in the province or the territory.
- For doctors, there are currently 13 five -year -old residence programs in public health and preventive medicine at the Royal College of Doctors and Surgeons of Canada.
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- Certain radioactive materials require an emergency intervention plan during transport, which is required by the regulations for the transport of dangerous goods for dangerous goods which require special intervention expertise and equipment to respond to an incident.
The National Microbiology Laboratory offers compulsory training on organic safety and security or recycling training based on a study program common to all its sites. He keeps a database on the results of staff training and performs emergency exercises each year to test the knowledge of the procedures concerning procedures. The law on human pathogens and toxins and the regulations on human pathogens and toxins do not require that dangerous pathogens and toxins are grouped in a minimum number of structures in Canada. Nevertheless, some dangerous pathogens have been grouped in a minimum number of structures, for example, all the pathogens of the GR4 are grouped in a single federal structure managed jointly in Canada, and efforts are underway to reduce the number of structures in Canada which contain the polio virus. Establishments must also ensure that their scientists are aware of the potential risk of double use. For higher containment areas, the process of certification of the structure may include an inspection on site, an examination of the drawings and specifications in accordance with the execution. During the commissioning of the structure, this can also include testing and verification of essential containment components, the biosecurity manual, the standardized operating modes of the containment area and, for work with pathogens of the pathogens of GR4, an examination of training files.
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There is also an opportunity to strengthen coordination and support for the provinces and territories by carrying out more clinical, food and environmental trials, and by isolating characterization. The National Program for the Monitoring of Interial Diseases promotes rapid detection of epidemic outbreaks through weekly surveillance of enteric pathogens declared in Canada and provides opportune analyzes and reports on confirmed in laboratory of Endeeric diseases in Canada. Program data is used to observe, if necessary, reductions in foods of food origin over time. Of the United States, focused on the management and control of epidemic outbreaks of food diseases, to allow the sharing of laboratory surveillance data in real time through Pulsenet, including data on the sequence of whole genome. The ASPC National Microbiology Laboratory is also a member of the International Pulsenet steering committee, which provides a strategic orientation and technical expertise to the International Pulsenet Network, composed of 86 countries.
This would include, without however limiting itself, the examination of obstacles or legal powers as well as current policies concerning the access or use of the special access program for the import and authorized use of medical resources not approved in the country. The use of commercial shipping and delivery methods for the deployment of medical resources internationally is the preferred route. However, the use of military transport methods or other available methods may be considered depending on the circumstances of demand and logistical needs.
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National surveillance in real time is only necessary for highly priority diseases in Canada. Otherwise, surveillance in real time is the responsibility of the provinces and territories, according to their needs. However, the federal government is able to provide support for epidemic outbreak on more than one competence territory or throughout Canada, on request or if necessary. Although, at the national level, federal laboratories are not required to participate in an external quality assessment program, the LNM participates in such programs because it is a good practice.
The government remains neutral "
The Public Health Agency of Canada is the focal point of public health surveillance on a federal scale. Work is underway to ensure the accuracy, reliability and topicality of laboratory diagnostic techniques in order to determine the microbial causes of diseases and orient patient care. Another priority of the Public Health Laboratories network in Canada is to develop strategies to fill gaps in terms of training, capacity and analysis of the whole genome sequencing and other cutting -edge technologies. As the landscape of public health laboratory science continues to transform, the transition to new technologies such as sequencing the whole genome is a major challenge. It is difficult to normalize and harmonize methods, while all laboratories face two main categories of challenges, that of managing the increase, every year, of the types of pathogens in Canada, while having evolve diagnostic technologies.
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In Canada, populations of wild animals are characterized by relatively large size and geographical dispersion. In Canada, provincial and territorial governments and other stakeholders in animal and human health work regularly with federal ministries to prevent and detect the epidemic outbreak of Zoonoses of importance for public health, and intervene accordingly. Among these ministries are the Canada Public Health Agency, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada.
R5: Communication on risks
The Basic Health System of Canada, which is funded by the State and known as a health insurance plan, offers universal coverage for the medical and hospital necessary medical services; Patients do not have to pay user fees. In cases where neither public insurance nor private insurance pays the full cost of a service, patients must pay from their pocket. Although Canada’s health system is mainly funded through taxes, health services are offered by a set of public and private organizations as well as independent professionals. Although organizations and governments across the country have clearly defined roles and responsibilities, their capacities and their level of preparation are not always obvious and vary a lot. As would be expected, provincial/territorial governments that have nuclear power plants on their territory have greater capacity for intervention in the event of a radiological or nuclear incident. Please note that these types of emergencies are most likely to lead to an event of international interest.
He also describes how information is communicated and the type of information that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is required to protect. The protocol describes how Canada exchanges information with other countries to allow follow -up. A 2008 trilateral understanding protocol between Health Canada, the ASPC and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency describes roles and responsibilities related to common issues that have an impact on human health. These issues include food safety and nutrition, management of epidemic outbreak of infectious diseases and emerging zoonotic diseases.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency operates pathogens’ analysis laboratories found in animal food and food as well as in animals. The Dia is sorting all pathogenic isolates to detect the presence of antimicrobial resistance markers using whole sequencing techniques. All L’Acia laboratories are approved for ISO standard and regularly participate in assessments of external competence or comparisons between laboratories. Canada has confirmed its capacity to perform the four compulsory basic functions of a national focal point described in the RSI and in WHO guidelines for national focal points by means of annual self -assessment reports presented in the World Health Assembly. In the information document of the 29th Pan -American health conference on the implementation of the RSI, Canada is recognized as one of the 12 states parties of the Americas which have always submitted an annual report of the party since the requirement was established in 2011. On the right side of the diagram we see three blue ovals which represent the PFNs of the RSI of the States Parties, the OPS/WHO and the international stakeholders. Bidirectional arrows represent the flow of information at destination/from these international organizations to the Office of the National Focal of the RSI for Canada.
The Federal Public Health Health Administrator has a particular role to play in communicating information to the public in the event of a radiological emergency that may have effects on radiological health. The health intervention plan in the event of an Ontario radiological or nuclear incident describes the premises where people can be decontaminated (incident site, hospitals, domicile, monitoring and decontamination unit). The plan describes an organization and rescue tools that promote interoperability with provincial partners and emergency cases management, and with federal organizations. Outside the areas housing nuclear power plants, local arrangements provide for a much lower capacity.
A distance that is not enough for the American company which has undertaken to clearly switches to high speed at the end of 2008 by exploiting all its know -how in terms of software. The fact that Health Canada and the Canada Public Health Agency are both of the Federal Health Portfolio facilitates coordination and preparation activities in an emergency emergency. Health Canada and the Canada Public Health Agency are part of the federal health portfolio, which facilitates coordination, communication and radiological emergency activities. Federal spokesperson for the PFUN will present the position of the federal government concerning nuclear emergency, in coordination with provincial information centers.
In addition, Canada governments quickly unlock special funds in the event of emergency intervention activities. Canada has federal legislation that governs public health sectors, including nuclear security, radiation protection, food safety and animal health. Medical research advances our understanding of the factors that influence health and play an important role, not only in improving health results for the Canadian population, but also in the contribution to global social and economic prosperity of Canada. Health research in Canada is supported by federal and provincial governments, non -governmental organizations and industry.
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Certain political and administrative measures have also been taken to improve compliance with RSI. Following a large epidemic flambé of salmonella in 2014, the Canada Public Health Agency, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada developed a joint protocol for RSI communications on issues food for food. The protocol describes how health portfolio partners exchange information with the international network of food security authorities and WHO during an event with international repercussions. The protocol also describes roles and responsibilities, mechanisms and requirements in terms of notification in order to avoid duplication and better harmonize messages. When appropriate at the federal scale, civil society and representatives of provincial and territorial governments (health systems) participate in the coordination of interventions through the center of health portfolio or communication networks individuals. The public health network working group can be called up on emergency situations to effectively coordinate communications and provide uniformity of government authorities messages.
The exchange of information is also done at the operational level, directly between the technical managers of the federal health portfolio of Canada and their OPS/OMS counterparts and other countries. This is the privileged method for the communication of cases management reports and contacts and other technical reports (not linked to an emergency in international health of international scope) between the Public Health Agency in Canada and the United States (through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States). The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is therefore responsible for reporting certain animal health events, including zoonotic events, to the World Organization for Animal Health, and problems of health foods at OMS OMS . Laboratory data derived nationally at the National Microbiology Laboratory is exchanged with the provincial and territorial laboratories which present them for the purposes of clinical and public health monitoring.
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The government remains neutral "
Provincial and territorial health ministries have their own intervention protocols in the event of an epidemic outbreak and can collaborate with their agricultural ministries and the local public health environment to guide coordinated intervention in the event of an epidemic flaming of diseases of food origin on their territory. The provinces and territories can request the help of federal ministries such as Health Canada, the Canada Public Health Agency and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to intervene in the event of an emergency or conduct an investigation. In Canada, the list of diseases with compulsory declaration nationally for humans includes infectious diseases which have been established by the federal government and all provinces and territories as being priority within the framework of surveillance efforts and of struggle – this includes resistant microbes. Through the Canadian Compulsory Declaration System System, Provinces and Territories voluntarily submit annual data on compulsory declaration diseases that are used for the production of figures and rate of diseases at the national level. Since 1987, all decisions concerning the diseases to be included in the list have been based on a consensus of the federal, provincial and territorial governments, according to established footeries of footsteps 1.
The deployment of RNSU goods is at the request of a province or a territory in response to a chemical event and, on occasion, in anticipation of a mass rally (p. ex., Olympic Games). The emergency measures guide contains guidelines on interventions in the event of an event of chemical origin. Corrective transportation specialists in transport Canada are also available in an emergency to give advice on emergency intervention procedures in terms of transportation of dangerous goods. They also deal with emergencies related to the transport of dangerous goods when necessary. In general, roles and responsibilities in terms of intervention in the event of an accident are better understood and better coordinated by stakeholders of all government and private sector orders. Despite the planning and preparation by the various orders of government of an intervention during such events, the lack of practical experience in terms of intervention in the event of intentional events has limited the confidence and acquisition of knowledge of the knowledge of stakeholders with regard to their respective roles and responsibilities.
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We also see a two -way pointed arrow which leaves these international groups to the federal champions of the RSI. The federal plan in the event of a nuclear emergency describes the measures taken by the Government of Canada in terms of preparation and intervention to manage the consequences of a nuclear emergency on radiological health. The plan includes annexes for the provinces which include nuclear power plants or ports visited by nuclear propulsion ships. These annexes establish the link between the capacities and the federal and provincial intervention organizations in the event of a nuclear emergency. It is a legal agreement which establishes standards and which deals with sharing, use, disclosure and protection of public health information for monitoring infectious diseases and intervention in Public health emergency.